Finnish magazine maailmankuvalehti feat. SIBS & Horomona Horo on the cover

We still remember the day our Maori brother Horomona Horo took us out to Maungatautari (Sanctuary mountain), the last original protected patch of native forest in Aotearoa (New Zealand).
Maungatautari is a community driven nature preserve an ancient eco-system which has provided a safe environment to reintroduce some of New Zealand’s most endangered species back to their natural habitat. “we used this fern tip to ease childbirth; we would lay this Ponga’s (silver tree fern 🌿) leaf silver side up to find our way home, the silver shines under the moon. See! This is our Maori green tea from the Kawakawa plant!” In our album and film, amongst the Tui bird calls, you can hear/watch Horomona playing the taonga puoro (traditional Maori instruments) he caries with him.
When we finished the session and walked out the forest, we realised the whole area was surrounded by ten metre high wall to protect the forest from introduced species. We suddenly understood the reason of recording in here, as they all are trying to keep the treasures of this land alive and has it’s future.
Almost 5 years later, a photo we took of him is featured on the front cover of the Finnish magazine maailmankuvalehti 🌺 with a feature article of the project and a guide to watch our film today (Finland only) and our remote concert tomorrow (worldwide) 🌏
Our Remote Concert: Sun' May 30 at 4:45pm FIN /9:45pm TWN /11:45pm AEST /9:45am NYC
Our film screening & pre-talk: Sat' May 29 at 6:25pm FIN only
World Village Festival website
