Week-long program at Capital of Culture, Procida 2022, ITALY
Right after the US, we were off to Europe, opening the Italian 'Capital of Culture' for 2022, Procida, 'ti amiamo Procida’ love you Procida.
We were invited to co-curate a week long program with Wakeupandream and the Procida 2022 team, an exchange between a small Mediterranean Island and ours of the Pacific & Indian Oceans.
During the week, we met on the beach for a sunrise concert, shared our islands' food, discussed the environmental/cultural challenges we face in various panels, sung out our culture in community courtyards and celebrated the love we all share in an island fused dance party.
Photos by Pasquale Raicaldo & Ivan Mazzone
Our big outdoor stage show was rained out due to a sudden storm, we had an option to cancel, as there’s no music venue available on this 4 square km island, but everyone gave us tremendous support moving it to a local school hall and kept the show & spirit going! What a heartfelt way to complete our 4 months US/EU tour
Grazie to all the “Procida islanders” who helped us every step of the way over the past 10 days, lending us your front yard & electricity, giving us a lift at 5:30am to make our sunrise concert, or simply sharing with us your gourmet Limoncello