Album Launch Tour Europe & Asia

It's quite emotional thinking about all this, but it has taken us 3 and a half years and countless support to get to this point.
This summer, we’re launching the album and bringing our music through Europe, and ending in Taiwan, the land where our story begins. We’re so thankful for the opportunities to share our stories of our ancestors and nature.. the stories made us 💚🌏
我們也決定選在對我們意義非凡的日子 7月 3 日,我們結婚當天,發行專輯。
In the next 6 weeks, we will be running a social media campaign to go with our album launch & concert tour. We will publish one single a week, every Sat’! Stay tune!
接下來的六個星期,我們會在每週六晚上公開一首專輯歌曲MV,邀請你一起參與我們這三年半來,每天都在醞釀的一張活體專輯、一座虛擬音樂村莊、一條被海洋串連的航道 . . . 好啦,還有一點點我們的愛情故事。
Album Launch 3 July // Pre-Order on iTunes 26 June

⭐ Album Launch Tour ⭐
06/25-28 Sunny Side of the Doc, La Rochelle /France 06/28 Peace Boat, Copenhagen /Denmark 06/30 University of Bergen with 和平號Peace Boat & United Nation
Norway, Bergen / Norway 07/04 Toppstöðin with Peace Boat, Reykjavik /Iceland 07/05-08 Førde Festival, Forde /Norway 07/09-10 Camping Vliegenbos, Amsterdam /NL 07/11/ pllek Live Stage with Sinchi, Amsterdam /NL 07/12 Hamburg /Germany 07/13 Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum, Hildesheim /Germany 07/14 Prachtwerk, Berlin /Germany 07/15 Floating University Berlin /Germany 07/19-22 EtnoSur Festival - Headlining, Alcala la Real /Spain 07/24 London /UK 07/26 Legacy 傳, Taipei /Taiwan台灣