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2017 European Live Cinema & Networking Tour 中英版

WOMEX World Music Expo & BBC interview

WOMEX 世界音樂博覽會 & 英國 BBC 電台訪談

After countless days and nights brainstorming, planing and emailing, we finally arrived in Poland for WOMEX 17 the world's biggest 'world music' market for a four days of back to back meetings. There are still few steps to go, but we have confirmed....wait for it... an official showcase at SXSW in Austin USA and a European summer festival tour in 2018! YayWe were also privileged and extremely excited to be on 'World on 3' with Lopa on BBC Radio 3 sharing the project and a sneak preview of a few tracks.

經過無數日夜的腦力激盪和.....打字,我們終於抵達一年一度的WOMEX世界音樂博覽會,今年在波蘭的Katowice舉辦,這個全世界最大的世界音樂市場每年串起業界的三千人,經過2015年的初訪,我們這次有備而來,就是... Straight into it! 我們事先安排了近三十個會議,每天都是在跟時間和體力和興奮值賽跑,又因為每次講到小島大歌計劃,幾乎沒有人知道這些島嶼在哪裡,又假裝知道(早就被我們看出來了~),我們在台灣買了一個充氣地球儀,每當放著音樂和影像時候,我們會指著台灣、指著錄音拍攝的十六個南島島嶼,常常得到一個驚呼的表情!

長話短說,我們仍然有幾步路要走,但是在WOMEX的期間,我們達成了明年夏天會帶小島大歌到歐洲巡迴的目標Yay!還加上一個由節目總監親自邀請,明年三月到美國奧斯丁(擠破頭才能進去的) S X S W 西南偏南音樂節的驚喜。



Album Mastering at Real World Studios UK

小島大歌音樂專輯母帶處理在英國Real World Studios

REAL WORLD STUDIOS, for real, WOW after mixing and producing Small Island Big Song on a pair of headphones and a Bluetooth speaker, we got to master it at the best studio on Earth, Peter Gabriel’s Real World studios in Bath, UK. Mastering is when you make the final tone and loudness adjustments to the finished mixes, so it was the first time we got to hear the music through big speakers, big enough to show all the depth of the songs and my mixes, the bumpy lumpy bits and the unheard sparkling magical bits.

It sounded amazing, so proud of all the musicians, to hear their playing huge and crystal clear, and too so groovy to work with Oli Jacobs sonic maestro as the mastering engineer. Because every sound had been recorded into and mixed in the computer, we went to Real World to get the music out of the digital world and set it free in the real world of sound waves and electrical frequencies, as it passed through the massive SSL desk onto a reel to reel tape recorder and then back into the computer.

REAL WORLD STUDIOS, for real (是真的)!哇~要說夢想清單這還真的是其中最大的一個,我們不知道有幾次用Google Map 3D圖把這個錄音室從頭到尾從上到下"翻"過一遍這個全世界最棒的錄音室之一!除了錄音室之外,Real World團隊還管理著世界音樂屆最大的唱片公司Real World,以及著名的WOMAD音樂節。 母帶處理是在所有音樂後製都結束之後,最後把所有音軌都整合在一起的過程,經過三年Tim用耳機和喇叭混音之後,我們終於第一次從最棒的音響聽見這張專輯,聽見所有音樂家創造的magic,還有Tim下的苦工,神奇的是,整張專輯沒有任何破音或是問題,連in house sound engineer - Oli Jacobs都好喜歡。


Small Island Big Song DJ/VJ Tour

小島大歌 DJ/VJ 演出 歐洲巡迴

Live cinema, we have always loved putting film and music together, with all the bands Tim've produced he’d usually also make the film clip and design projections for their shows. We always imagined presenting Small Island Big Song as a ‘Son et Lumiere’ show, a French term we love to describe the early sound and light shows the origins of film. So we started on our tour to Europe with shows in Hamburg, Berlin, Paris and Amsterdam.

我們總是覺得音樂和影像是生來就該在一起,所以在計畫進行的時候,我們不但錄音,更要錄當下的畫面,也因此這次的Live cinema演出誕生了,第一次巡迴到了德國的漢堡、柏林,法國巴黎和荷蘭阿姆斯特丹。

Pllek in Amsterdam

荷蘭 阿姆斯特丹 Pllek

PLLEK was such an uplifting venue which was produced by Sinchi Tribe a non-profit, focusing on the preservation of indigenous cultures. Inge & Tom created a fantastic resource in their website linking and profiling different groups, projects and initiatives. The venue itself is in the docklands, made of shipping containers with their own beach, we had a good turn out including some dogs and met some inspiring people, including Eddy Appels from Cineblend who mc’d the evening! Dank je to Inge, Tom, Eddy & Marlouze.

來到PLLEK就讓我想起高雄駁二,這裡前身是港口的卸貨區,堆滿貨櫃和鋼架,幾年前藝術家進來了,把創意腦筋下到貨櫃上,把這裡搖身一變成一個有人造沙灘的Restaurant & Live House,隔著大河和阿姆斯特丹市區的夜景相望,一舉造就了年輕世代文青和Hipsters的天堂,我們很幸運的受邀到Pllek Live Stage演出,並且與兩個以阿姆斯特丹為基地的NGO - Sinchi Tribe和Cineblend紀錄片影節共同合作,這真的是我們這幾年中辦過最喜歡的一場演出&分享,大家在最後忍不住站起來跳舞,甚至在分享會結束後留下來好久好久,這還是第一次看到觀眾的狗狗對著影片的公雞吠(咦!),我們已經在期待明年夏天帶著音樂家們重訪Pllek演出了!

Le Comptoir General in Paris

法國 巴黎 Le Comptoir General

The coolest grooviest venue in all of Paris, true and they booked us, (yes, must have been a mistake). But in a sepia toned venue covered in antiquities from Africa, the Indian and Pacific oceans we were right at home. We had a good turn out, and received wonderful feedback on how uplifting and moving the music was. If you’re in Paris and cool enough (which you must be reading this), check it out, there are some great cafes in the area too. Big merci to Benjamin!

真的超級興奮可以在這個巴黎的傳奇Live House & Bar演出,Le Comptoir General除了巴黎人愛,到後來我才知道它也在台灣背包客去巴黎的Must Go名單上呢!在這場演出我們也得到了很多很棒的回應和連結,幾位觀眾完全被小島大歌吸引,想要幫我們在明年夏天辦一個更大的!雙手贊成~ 另外~Dany如果你會讀中文的話,Merci謝謝你讓我們睡你家的沙發;)

Fundbureau in Hamburg

德國 漢堡 Fundbureau

Our first Live Cinema event was at the Fundbureau (lost and found office) a grungy, well worn live music venue underneath the U-Bahn, Tim said he felt right at home memories of The Tote in Melbourne where he mixed his first band (many years ago). We had a full house, over 100 well received even dancing and tears, it was an inspiring first show. Mostly due to the wonderful work of Angie Chen, who promoted the show and let us couchsurf with her fluffy cat, and thank you to Taiwan office in Hamburg for kind supports.

Fundbureau是德文的失物招領處,又是一個很很很酷的Live House,活動當天一百多位住在漢堡和方圓兩小時的台灣人和德國人遠道而來,變成一個在漢堡地下Live House的台灣人懇親會,能夠在這裡演出真的很感激,要謝謝台灣駐漢堡辦事處的牽線和支助,讓我們認識了Angie,不但一手包辦接洽場地、宣傳、讓大家填飽肚子,還讓我們借宿沙發:) 期待明年夏天再見!

Prachtwerk in Berlin

德國 柏林 Prachtwerk

Prachtwerk, after a full house in Berlin we went to four in Berlin, but still what a wonderful event, we could breakdown the songs and share the experience recording them, we’ll be back Berlin, full house next time. Danke too, to Caroline and Topsy, our couch surfing hosts, they had two walls of tickets from concerts they’d been to, amazing. We lost our camera after the show on our way to Caroline & Topsy's place, if someone reading this post is welling to help us or replacing it.... we'll be very grateful!

結束在漢堡非常熱絡的Full House,我們隔天來到柏林迎接只有六個觀眾的星期一夜晚,嗚嗚~下次我知道了,德國也有 Blue Monday! 那就說這場是重質不重量好了,我們很要好的WOMEX電影策展人和一位南非filmmaker都來了,還是小而溫馨的,不過結束之後更大的悲劇來了,和我們行走天下的相機居然搞丟了!!!試過很多辦法就是找不回來,所以如果相機公司正在讀這裡的話,我們急需要一台新的相機啊啊啊~

Caroline & Topsy如果你們會讀中文的話,Danke謝謝你們的沙發和一起做晚餐,讓我們在雙重打擊下還有溫暖(抱~)


It's been an amazing year, in 2018 we're finally going to launch the album

and heading to...

Mar' SXSW South by South West Music Festival, Austin USA - Live Concert

Jul' - Aug' Europe Summer Tour - Live Concert & Touring Village

Jan' Asian Side of the Doc, Bangkok Thailand - Film Pitch

get in touch:



3月 SXSW 西南偏南音樂節, 美國奧斯丁 - 演唱會

7月 - 八月 歐洲音樂節巡迴 - 演唱會 & 移動村莊

1月 Asian Side of the Doc, 泰國曼谷 - Film Pitch

By BaoBao & Tim

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