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Piteyo Ukah

Taroko People

Taroko, Taiwan

"Culture is life, life is culture.”

- Piteyo Ukah

Piteyo is a respected singer-songwriter and cultural authority from Taroko tribe. He and his partner have dedicated their 20 years running the Ketusan Studio, producing music and theater performances. He has released two solo albums and was selected to present at the MIDEM World Record Market in France. He has also regularly appeared on selected International documentaries, including Discovery. 

Back in Jul' 2016 in Taroko Taiwan...

We visited Piteyo & his wife's Ketusan Studio last June, and learnt so much about the Taroko culture and music. Respect! They took us up to the gorge and down in the river. (Perfect for the 38° C days!!).


They contributed an original song called "Lei mu bu gao gao (Music is language)". It features the Qoqaw (jaw harp), one of the few instruments traditionally used by Taroko people. Hunters use the Qoqaw to communicate in the jungle and also use it to show their appreciation to partner they want to attract." At the beginning of the song, Piteyo also played the Pgagu, which was used to play after head hunting to welcome the spirit to join the family.

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